Margherita Chiarva


Margherita Chiarva's photographic journey is mainly founded on analog research and personal investigation through the use of images. Born in Milan, living in Spain, she specialized in black and white gelatin silver print and traditional old printing techniques. She exhibited in various galleries and institutions.

Instagram @margheritachi



Subconsciousgrams are abstract forms that speak a language that is as natural to humans as it is mysterious: the language of the subconscious. I take an existing story, and turn it into another through an act of intuitive faith in the unknown. These images are created by taking different pieces of negative film or objects, mixing them up and projecting light onto them to create new realities. Never truly knowing what will come out on the other side, these shapes are forms of the subconscious. The image is felt rather than planned.

This is a process closer to dreaming, as dreams are essentially new realities created by our own reality. Dreamscapes are where our subconscious mind takes the fragments of our waking experiences and reassembles them into new, often surreal narratives. In this way, dreams become a playground for the imagination, a space where the rules of reality are bent and reshaped. They allow us to explore possibilities, confront our inner conflicts, and experience a world that, while born from our own minds, feels both familiar and entirely new.

These subconsciousgrams are a visual exploration of this interplay, an invitation to witness the hidden layers of our inner worlds.


Julia Lê


Oriol Maspons