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Oriol Maspons


Oriol Maspons Casades was a Catalan photographer born in Barcelona in 1928. After a trip to Paris in 1955, he became a professional, drawing inspiration from renowned photographers like Doisneau and Cartier-Bresson. In the 1960s, he worked on Fellini's productions and captured icons such as Brigitte Bardot. In 1961, he opened a studio in Barcelona and collaborated with prestigious magazines. In the 1970s, he created some of the most beautiful photographs ever taken in Cadaqués. His work is held in prestigious collections, including at MoMA in New York.

In collaboration of Museu de Cadaqués
Warm thanks to Alex Maspons and the Maspons Achive


Radical Chic

The Cadaqués Museum is dedicating an exhibition to the photographer of the "Gauche Divine." This group, named by writer and journalist Joan de Sagarra, brought together intellectuals and artists from the 1960s and early 1970s, mainly from Barcelona's bourgeoisie and high society, who were ideologically aligned with the left. Their meeting place was the Bocaccio nightclub of Oriol Regàs.

Cadaqués in the 1960s was a natural coastal haven where prolific artists from various disciplines gathered. To capture these moments, photographers like Colita, Xavier Miserachs, and many others roamed the area. Among them, Oriol Maspons not only photographed the prominent figures of the time but also left behind a series of images that reflect the unique libertarian atmosphere of those years, which formed an essential part of his life's work. This photographer of the Gauche Divine movement also took numerous photographs of Salvador Dalí.


Margherita Chiarva


Paul Cupido - Artistic Residency