Instagram @couinemai

Julia Lê


Julia Lê is a French-American photographer of Vietnamese descent. At the core of her creative process lies a quest for what constitutes home and identity. This process initially manifested in writing before transitioning into photography, eventually giving shape to documentary, sensory, and intimate narratives where text and image resonate with each other.

Much of her current research revolves around Vietnamese diasporas, exploring issues of representation and memory. In the same vein, she works to bring to light other silenced or marginalized narratives.

With *Hasta la tierra*, she crosses paths with immigrant communities who, through their labor, contribute in the shadows to the tourist appeal of the village. In these shared spaces, imagination interacts with reality to elucidate the social, cultural, and geographical in-betweens in which these characters navigate.

Artistic Residency in partnership with the Festival Planches Contact in Deauville. 
Julie Lê, Winner 2023 of the Jury's Prize of "Tremplin Jeunes Talent 2023"


Hasta la tierra

The village of Cadaqués in Spain is home to about twenty immigrant communities, the majority of which are Bolivian, Ecuadorian, and Moroccan. Some are there temporarily—splitting the year between six months of work in the seaside village and six months in their home country with their families—while others have been settled there for several decades.

For Anna, Gimber, Diana, Gino, Honorina, Maritsa, and their descendants, memory, heart, and body stretch across multiple spaces, landscapes, and cultures. Between what is left behind, what exists with them, and what remains only in the cracks of our stories, do we not remain perpetually in between—here but there, there but here?


Lia Rochas-Páris


Margherita Chiarva