InCadaqués Festival
edition • 8

Open Call 2024
is now open

The deadline to submit your work is 18th July 2024, midnight.

Registrations are now open

InCadaqués Open Call 2024

We invite photographers to submit projects that will be exhibited during the next edition of the International Photography Festival InCadaqués 2024.

18 projects will be selected and exhibited during the festival

The call for submission will be opened until
18 of July 2024 at midnight (Cadaqués time).

Conditions & information

  • There are no age restrictions or imposed themes.

  • Each submission must be composed of a series of 15 photos maximum and 10 minimum.

  • The jury will select the most interesting projects that will be part of the official circuit of exhibitions.

  • Application fee is €24 and is payable online (here or button below).

How to participate

1/ Prepare a selection of 10 to 15 photos (maximum 1 Mo per photo, .jpg format)

2/ Pay application fee of € 24 (here or button below)

3/ Prepare a folder titled in the following way
surname_name_nameoftheproject, consisting of :
• selection of 10 to 15 photos
• application fee payment receipt (received by mail after payment)

4/ Send the complete folder via at

Complete the registration form below (here or button below)

All applications must be complete to be considered valid.

The winners will be announced by the end of august.


  • 2 winners 🏆

  • 14 finalists 🥇

  • 2 special mentions ✨

Cash prizes 7250€ (Total value 15 000€ - production, transportation, accomodation)


  • Cash prize 1500€ + Production costs

  • Exhibition of a series of 10 to 15 photographs during the festival.

  • Accommodation and transportation to Cadaqués during the opening weekend.

  • A VIP pass to enjoy all festival events

  • 1 year Premium Pass InPhoto Festival App


  • Cash prize 150€ + Production costs

  • Exhibition during the festival 2024 of a selection of 3 images of each finalist

  • A VIP pass to enjoy the festival

  • The exhibition space during the festival will also be dedicated to the presentation of the portfolios of the selected photographers if they wish.

  • 1 year Premium Pass InPhoto Festival App

1 Premi Fotografia Femenina
Celebrating women vision’s in Photography by supporting the first exhibition of an artist that have never been exhibited in festival.
Le project will be chosen from the applications of the Open Call by the Jury.

  • Cash prize 1500€ + Production costs

  • Exhibition of a series of 10 to 15 photographs during the festival 2024

  • Media coverage in Fisheye Magazine

  • Accommodation during the opening weekend.

  • 1 year Premium Pass InPhoto Festival App

Projects will be chosen from the applications of the Open Call by the Festival team

  • Cash prize 300€ + Production costs

  • Exhibition of a series of 10 to 15 photographs during the festival 2024

  • A VIP pass to enjoy the festival

  • Accommodation during the opening weekend

  • 1 year Premium Pass InPhoto Festival App


Pending the final selection of the contest winners by the Jury, a shortlist of “Coup de coeur” photographs, selected by the Festival team will be published in our Instagram and social networks.
The 2 images that received the highest number of “likes” will be published in the 2024 InCadaqués Risograph catalog.

All prints will be produced by GRANON DIGITAL Laboratory, partner of the Festival.

with the support of :

Cover image © Eloïse Labarbe Lafon
Premi fotografia feminina 2023


  • Chloé Milos Azzopardi

    Winner Open Call 2023

  • François Bouchara

    Head of Granon Digital

  • Huc Malla

    Curator & Director
    Galería Cadaqués

  • Julia de Bierre

    Founder Galerie Huit - Arles

  • Laura Serani

    Director Festival de Deauville

  • Lou Tsatsas

    Editor in chief of web
    Fisheye Magazine

  • Olivia Seigneurgens

    Co-Founder InCadaqués

  • Paul Di Felice

    Curator & Founder
    European Month of Photography

  • Silvia Omedes

    Director of Foundation
    Photographic Social Vision

  • Thibaut Wychowanok

    Editor in chief of Numéro Art

  • Tom Page

    Director Open Doors Gallery

  • Valérie Prot

    Photographer & Galerist

  • Valmont Achalme

    InCadaqués director

  • Wilfrid Esteve

    Head of Studio Hans Lucas


Open Call finalists & winners

• 2023 •

edition 8

Open Call Winner



Open Call Finalists

Andrea Graziosi, Ayline Olukman, Bebe Blanco Agterberg, Chris Mann, Claudia Revidat, Francesca Bergamini, Gael del Río & Luca Bani, Isabel Miquel Arques, Jude Lartey, Roza Wiktoria Tyborowska, Sarah Mei Herman, Sophia Bil, Yanyan Zhao, Yorgos Yatromanolakis