Instagram @sisselannett

Sissel Annett


Sissel Annett's journey into photography began in secondary school, where she had the opportunity to experience the magic of the darkroom for the first time, and she knew she had found her calling.

Originally beginning her career as a photojournalist, Sissel Annett found it lacking in fulfilment. She immersed herself in the significance of personal storytelling, aspiring to evolve not only as a photographer but also as an authentic individual.

The quest for her artistic voice proved to be a challenging journey, demanding a decade of exploration and introspection. Recognizing that the process of self-discovery as an artist cannot be rushed, she patiently honed her skills and refined her vision. Presently, Sissel Annett's photography not only captures the essence of her subjects but also mirrors her profound artistic expression and purposeful storytelling. The importance of freedom, artistic expression, and sharing personal narratives with those who may not have the opportunity resonates deeply with her.


Emotional Alchemy

From a young age, Sissel Annett found herself becoming a receptacle for the stories of others. People would confide in her, laying bare their souls, and she recognized the weighty responsibility thatcame with such a role. Though at times it could be emotionally challenging and even painful to bear witness to the depths of human experiences, Sissel realized that the rewards of connecting with others in this profound way far outweighed the difficulties.

For many years, Sissel grappled with the challenge of how best to convey the stories she carried within her. It wasn't until she embarked on the ambitious project titled « Emotional Alchemy" that she found the artistic voice of this project. This ongoing series became her canvas to capture the essence of human emotions, distilling them into visual narratives that evoke empathy and understanding.

"Emotional Alchemy" is more than just a photography project for Sissel; it is an exploration of the alchemical process of transforming emotions. Through her lens, she seeks to portray the transformation that takes place when individuals confront and transmute their pain, fear, and struggles into hope, compassion, and love. At the same time, the project does not shy away from acknowledging the depths of darkness that can sometimes emerge from the human psyche.


Rona Bar & Ofek Avshalom


Tanara Stuermer