
Rona Bar & Ofek Avshalom


Rona Bar and Ofek Avshalom are a photography duo living and working in London, UK. Drawing on a storytelling-based approach to the photographic medium, the two are continuously striving to engage viewers from all backgrounds in a journey into their visual world. Suspended between fantasy and reality, the factual and the bizarre, their universe immerses whoever comes across it in a blend of surreal visions, daily experiences, and artistic references which all contribute to making their signature style and aesthetic vocabulary so naturally captivating.


Proof of Existence

'Proof of existence' involves the creation of various characters, each with their unique personality and world, captured in everyday locations and situations. The project's theme is to normalize the weirdness within us, celebrating our differences and showcasing that they exist in all of us; we're all strange characters who are a part of society. Through our work, we aim to make a social impact by changing the way we view others. We advocate for solidarity, open-mindedness, and greater inclusion and diversity in the media and the world at large. The project blurs the line between reality and fantasy, combining the documentary and the staged. In addition to the characters, the series contains still life or landscape images with the same bizarre atmosphere. The duality between the two emphasizes the fine line between the bizarre and the everyday and raises questions about the characters' identities and stories.

The creation of each character involved drawing inspiration from various elements. While some parts were pure products of our imagination, our team's collaborative efforts made it possible to bring our vision to life. Our talented makeup artist Elle McMahon crafted distinctive and bold makeup looks, while our creative stylist Bessy Huang worked closely with young and emerging designers from London to create the fantasy world of our dreams. Other parts of the characters are heavily influenced by the models. While working with Zebedee Talent Agency, an agency that represents people with disabilities and visual differences, we had an opportunity to include the most unique and beautiful people who made this project even more special and authentic to its message.


Paolo Manzo


Sissel Annett