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Anika Spereiter


Anika Spereiter is an analog photographer and visual artist based in Berlin, Germany. After receiving her degree in Media Informatics at the University of Applied Sciences Harz in 2016, she furthered her education at the internationally renowned Ostkreuz School for Photography in Berlin, completing her studies in 2022 under the guidance of Ute Mahler and Linn Schröder. Subsequently, she published her first Risograph-printed photo book, *A Myth in the Making*, and was selected as one of the participating artists for the 2023 program "La jeune photographie allemande," organized by the Deutsche Börse Photography Foundation in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut Paris.

Anika's artistic approach is rooted in exploring the line between truth and illusion, and her photographic narratives often oscillate between documentary and fiction. She draws inspiration from psychology, science fiction, and nature.


A Myth in the Making

A Myth in the Making explores the intersection between psychology and the phenomenon of UFO sightings. Their frequent lack of credible evidence make UFO sightings a question of belief.
In fact, many of them can be disproved through logical explanations.
Yet, a lot of people want to believe UFOs are real, since the vastness of the universe makes it hard to imagine we are alone in it.

The myths revolving around UFOs and alien planets have a lot of impact on our imagination of outer space, while being reflections of what surrounds us at the same time - since we have no choice to visualize it other than through our imagination. Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, who dedicated a book ("Flying Saucers") to the phenomenon in the late 1950s, presumed UFO sightings to be humanity's projection of its existential angst. Interestingly, statistics show that especially during times of crises, UFO sightings around the world seem to increase.


Alvin Ng


Arthur Perset