Instagram @alvinnzh

Alvin Ng


Alvin Ng, a Southeast Asian photographic artist and educator currently based in Singapore, formally channels these creative expressions. His works embody the merging of past and present, utilizing hand-manipulated prints to delve into the rich tapestry of Humanity's mythic heritage. With an aim to evoke a sense of wonder and curiosity, Alvin's art invites viewers on a journey that transcends temporal boundaries.

"Driven by an unwavering passion for humanity's journey of self-discovery and the enigmatic realms of spirituality, I have spent the past six years immersed in the ebb and flow of daily life. This profound exploration has brought me face-to-face with diverse worlds, from the mystical Hindu Aghoris at the pyres of Varanasi to unravelling ancient legends of gods and men, all within the context of the modern world.

As a photographic artist, I employ the medium of photography to interweave the threads of antiquity and modernity. Through meticulous hand-manipulation of photographic prints and the fusion of mythical narratives, I embark on imaginative, non-linear storytelling that transcends the constraints of time. The resulting images are imbued with an aura of intimacy and mystery, inviting viewers to contemplate the intricate relationships between humankind, the natural world, and the fluidity of time."


Ovid's Fasti

Celestial lore and mythical tales converge in the project, 'Ovid's Fasti', an ethereal journey where the beauty of the present merges with the otherworldly realm of ancient Rome. Inspired by Ovid's enigmatic poems in his book titled 'Fasti', penned in the ancient Black Sea city of Tomis upon his exile by Emperor Augustus, this visual odyssey transcends time, beckoning us to embark on a transformative exploration.

As I venture amidst scattered ruins and surreal landscapes, guided by the verses of Ovid, I become a conduit to a world of forgotten whispers. Each site, meticulously captured, holds the power to transport us through time's seamless dance. Through the alchemy of hand-manipulated photographs, I breathe life into his verses, revealing their profound essence and forging a harmonious fusion of ancient wisdom and contemporary vision.

With these carefully crafted images, we traverse a delicate path guided by the enduring power of Ovid's legacy into an ethereal realm where ancient Rome's mystique intertwines with our modern consciousness. Here, the veils of time are lifted, and the realms of the past and present converge in a mesmerizing symphony of wonder.


Anika Spereiter