Marianne Thazet
Instagram @marianne_thazet
Born in 1989 in the south of France, Marianne Thazet has always been passionate about art but it is only late that she decides to focus on photography in particular and to deepen her knowledge of the subject by integrating the ETPA of Toulouse. In 2019 she obtains her diploma and her photographic work is rewarded with the special mention of the jury. Marianne is a photographer of the intimate, It is in the current of the documentary photo that she questions our attention on our environment by a look shifted well to her. She tells by suggesting, photographing the insignificant, sublimating the detail.
Despair Hope
Despair Hope
It’s the story of a disillusioned youth. Witnesses to a drifting world, they refuse to take part in it. For them, the countryside is a refuge, returning to it is necessary. Like a last issue.They left everything to return to their roots. The earth is their mother and they need the comfort of her arms.The trees are ramparts to the tumult of this world.They are the builders of a new utopia. That of a hopeless but happy future. That of a world where everything could continue as before, or the future does not exist, or the present is lived simply.