Rima Samman


Rima Samman is an eclectic Lebanese artist and filmmaker. Her films have been pre-purchased by television networks, awarded at festivals, and screened in museums and cinemas. In 2021, her photography book *L’amour se porte autour du cou* was published by Filigranes, showcasing her multidisciplinary work that has been exhibited at Paris Photo and numerous photography and contemporary art festivals and fairs in France and abroad. Similarly, her hybrid feature film *Dans le cœur une hirondelle* continues its successful run at festivals. She is currently working on her next photography book “Happyness Kills”, her new series “Mood is Human”, and developing her upcoming feature film “No Sadness”.

Instagram @rimasamman_


Love is Worn Around the Neck

“Love is Worn Around the Neck” is a series of personal archive photos taken from the family album of Rima Samman’s parents, uncles, aunts, and cousins. It portrays a typical modern family, scattered across the globe due to the various wars that have marked the history of Lebanon, her homeland. The series blends identity photos with group photos, mostly representing deceased family members. The artist transforms and hand-colors these images, making them her own by leaving her mark on them before passing them on to future generations. For her, this vital work rescues a memory that she rarely summons in the whirlwind of her life in exile.


Reflexion(s) 2.0 Masterclass


Pedro Madueño