Instagram @marco.rapaccini

Marco Rapaccini


Marco Rapaccini (born 1982) is an italian photographer and teacher based in Rome. He is interested in landscape photography and in analog and alternative processes



Litorali is an exploration of the coastal landscape in Castelporziano and Capocotta, a natural reservation close to Rome. These are places that I have lived in the summer when I was a child, and when visited during the winter they alternate in me an alienating calm and the restlessness that comes with wandering around a sacred place. The dunes become islands, mountains, inaccessible tangles of brambles, always with the sound of the waves in the background. An important part of the work is made up of photographs of objects taken on walks: flowers, shells, cuttlefish bones.

I chose to work with cyanotypes because it seemed perfectly suited to the nature of the work. Cyanotype is a very basic technique, it is exposed very slowly under the sunlight, then developed to obtain a scale of prussian blues, which is later bleached and toned to obtain different shades of brown and black. It is a process of sedimentation and erosion that forms the image, which eventually stabilises but remains alive and with time there can be subtle changes, not unlike the shoreline landscape where the work is set.


Ludovica Limido


Paolo Manzo