Gael Del Río & Luca Bani


Instagram @gaeldelrioromero

Instagram @lucabaninardini

Gael Del Río (Barcelona, 1990) Studied architecture at ETSAB and photography at IEFC and Grisart. He’s dedicated to architectural photography while also developing personal projects that have been exhibited at Voies Off Festival (Arles), Fotofever (Paris), KBr Fundació Mapfre (Barcelona), LUMA Arles, and Centre d’Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona), among others. He’s interested in images that can generate different readings and connections, that conceptually are composed of multiple layers, and that can resonate over time and with works from other disciplines. Luca Bani (Pisa, 1982) Graduated in Architecture in 2012 from Università di Firenze. Since 2017, he has been living in Barcelona.

They perceive artistic photography as a medium to explore the human being and its essence through introspective observation. Their activity is centered around externalizing the immaterial that each of us harbors within, while simultaneously pursuing an aesthetic capable of expressing the poetry of the moment.



"The Ineffable" speaks to a unique form of collaboration or contamination in the work of two photographers, a connection between two poetics that is somewhat accidental, somewhat intentional, and largely ineffable. The ways in which Gael del Río and Luca Bani approach their respective genres (landscapes altered by human touch; and the human body turned into landscape) reveal a link that is, at first glance, formal; yet, it arises from both their abilities to reach a certain elevation, to transcend the anecdotal towards universal, intangible aspects. Luca Bani photographs a body that, through abstraction and anonymity, monstrously transforms into a landscape; Gael del Río captures landscapes that other bodies, now absent, have silently traversed and subtly nuanced, with sinister intent. The strange and unconscious complementarity of their images emerges and disappears like a flash.

Luca is there when Gael captures these landscapes, behind the camera or beside it, just out of frame. Gael stands in front of the camera when Luca captures these bodies. In that sense, theirs isn't a collective work, but it does indicate that the presence, the companionship of others, consciously or unconsciously conditions the outcome of individual works. That tangible, physical presence of their bodies alters what they see and adds a layer that only reveals itself when their images are displayed together. That confluence, that paradoxical way they deny and affirm each other, is discovered only when these works are presented in this manner, with the added graphic treatment that acts as a binding agent: an intentional veil that seems to place the images in the same element, causing them to float in a single timeless ether that invites us to immerse ourselves.

This is what the images of Gael del Río and Luca Bani speak of: the indescribable manner in which photography approaches the inexpressible, the unspoken. That which, by virtue of being extraordinary, is indescribable: a place, a body, and the intricate, most complete image generated by the confluence between them. That is "The Ineffable," something that cannot be reduced to words.

Text by Carlos Martín




Gareth Phillips